Emily has struggled with social anxiety her entire life, leaving her unable to enjoy some of her favorite group activities for many years. Emily started care with us 8 months ago and has made massive strides since then.
Mom states, “Overall, she is much calmer and has made significant improvements in managing her anxiety. She also reports being better able to focus in school. When she does get anxious about something, she is able to handle it much better than in the past.”
Emily is also steadily reducing her use of anxiety medication since starting chiropractic care. Each of her scans has shown steady improvement in her nervous system and Emily and her mom are seeing these improvements daily!
Her mom is so grateful that Emily has been able to enjoy her life more fully and continues saying, “I recommend that any parent with a similar story give nervous system based chiropractic a try.”
“As parents, we will do anything we can to help our children, and we are so thankful that we found something that helps Emily to feel better and thrive! She wanted to go bowling and play mini-golf this summer, which we were not able to do for a long time as a family due to her anxiety. We were so happy and so proud of her!”