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Superheroes. Yes, mothers and soon to be mothers, you are superheroes! Every pregnancy and birth that our moms experience is the fittest event in this world. Every mother wants to bring a healthy baby into this world, yet they do not realize that taking care of themselves through every trimester of their pregnancy is critical in ensuring that their baby develops optimally.



First, second & third trimester moms. Yes, every pregnant mom!



During pregnancy, a mother’s body changes by increased weight gain, altered posture, and fluctuating hormones. These changes are very important for the growth and development of the baby. It is important that she is able to adapt to these new changes.



Dr. Megha is certified by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in the Webster Technique for adjusting pregnant women. It is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment for pregnant mothers that reduces stress to the nervous system and balances pelvic muscles and ligaments.



A balanced pelvis and optimally positioned baby makes for an easier and safer labor and delivery. Well-informed birth professionals love to hear that their moms are receiving Certified Webster Technique Chiropractic Care because it significantly reduces the chance for risks and complications and decreases the overall labor time. This leads to a significantly less traumatic experience for both Mom and Baby!

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Let's Talk

  • Address:

    2106 Gallows Road Suite G, Vienna, VA 22182
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  • Phone:

    +1 571-549-1342
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Let's Meet

Monday 8 AM – 6 PM
Tuesday 8 AM – 6 PM
Wednesday 8 AM – 6 PM
Thursday 10 AM – 6 PM
Friday 8 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 8 AM – 1 PM
Sunday Closed

We are closed for Lunch from 12 PM – 2 PM