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Are you tired of being sick? Do you want to be healthy? The biggest thing preventing us from achieving optimal health is stress. The amount of stress that we experience in 30 days is equivalent to the total amount of stress that generations before us experienced in a lifetime.



Families, of all ages.



There are three types of stresses we experience as human beings, physical, chemical, and emotional. These stressors can come in all shapes and sizes, and lead to a myriad of health issues.
Examples include...

  • Physical: poor posture, physical exercise, falls, trips, stumbles, car accidents, frequent illnesses, and physical injuries
  • Chemical: poor air quality, reduced food quality, drugs, and medication
  • Emotional: daily stress, emotional arguments, financial responsibilities, work productivity and family expectations



The stress, or torque, placed on the body is restored ONLY by proper alignment and movement of the spine through a gentle, specific neurological adjustment.



The result of the chiropractic care at our office, for all ages, includes you and your family experiencing more balance in life, more adaptability to the stresses of daily living, accelerated healing, and optimal brain and body functioning.

Get in touch

Let's Talk

  • Address:

    2106 Gallows Road Suite G, Vienna, VA 22182
  • Email:
  • Phone:

    +1 571-549-1342
  • Website:

Get in touch

Let's Meet

Monday 8 AM – 6 PM
Tuesday 8 AM – 6 PM
Wednesday 8 AM – 6 PM
Thursday 10 AM – 6 PM
Friday 8 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 8 AM – 1 PM
Sunday Closed

We are closed for Lunch from 12 PM – 2 PM